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Late Evening Wind by TOKONAME to be published by StarburstRecord
Everywhere, Massachusetts
Apr 13 2020 7:00AM

Press: Starburst Records is pleased to welcome the newest artist to its label, TOKONAME effective March 11, 2030. TOKONAME specializes in composing and producing in the genre of LoFi Chill/Jazzy Hip Hip instrumental music. Perhaps the most ubiquitous style of music on Spotify, no other musical style comes even close to the high volume of playlists in this genre. This music is known for its vintage sound and the very relaxing atmosphere it creates. Very helpful and enjoyable for studying, kicking back, calming and soothing and even for facilitating better sleeping patterns. Please join us in welcoming TOKONAME to our little stable of indie artists!
You can learn more about this genre and checkout 10 leading artists here at the following link: https://soundontime.com/lo-fi-artists/